Jul 16Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Appreciated this! It’s so funny, I came across your post in my feed and was totally surprised to see you tag my last one — love to see other people thinking along the same lines. I suspect that SO many people go off-track in Christian ministry because they fail to make the distinction you did in the moment: they mistake “growth” for “serving others.” While the two might happen at the same time, only one should ever be our priority. (A “no one can serve two masters” sort of choice)

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100% agree with you, Joy. I’ve really been enjoying your series about your experience with your former church. These stories are painful, but they need to be heard. In Jesus’ name I DO believe that history can stop repeating itself.

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Jul 11Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

I am always happy when people at least have AI audio. Because it is relatively rare for me to be willing to invest the time in reading a post.

I think that most authors can improve the result for the listener by recording their own voice reading their material.

But each author needs to decide for themselves whether the time and effort invested is a good use of those resources.

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I very much prefer recording my own, especially because I’m passionate about accessibility for people who may have reading difficulties. Once I sort out these tech issues, my audio narrations will return. Thanks for your input, Bob! ☺️

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Jul 10Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Having been on-the-air in Christian radio, I find this road to Prideville so true of most anyone in ministry activity, it can easily become a 'show'. Thank you for your honesty and insights.

BTW, I enjoy writers who record their posts (like I do) and I'm sorry to hear you're having issues. Perhaps I can help? I have another Substack @narratortodd if you'd like to message.


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Thanks for reading, Todd! Which station did you work at, if you don’t mind me asking? I also have a background working at a Christian radio station.

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I was in Kansas at the time, KTLI was CCM and KCFN was a local Am Family Radio affiliate. Those were (yikes) 20 years ago! You?

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Jul 10Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

This is so so good, and it's been on my heart and mind recently too. I'm slowly moving my general writing from my own website/blog to here, and am wanting it to be different this time -- I think what you've described is exactly the mindset I need to have so that I don't burn out again. ❤️

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Thank you for reading, Carrie! Congrats on moving everything over to Substack. What I’ve found here is a platform and community that actually cultivates and celebrates slow, steady, intentional growth. It’s beautiful and really helps me to remain reflective with what I’m writing and why. Glad you’re joining us here. ☺️

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Jul 9Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Thank you for sharing your heart so honestly. It blessed me today. 😊

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Thank you so much for reading, Kim! I’m so glad it blessed you. ☺️

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Jul 9Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Beautiful post that hits the nail on the head of what Christian writers can struggle with. Loved it. I "read" most of it via audio. Thank you for your humility in writing this!

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Thank you so much for reading! I’m hoping to sort out the technical issues on my end so I can resume including my own audio narrations. ☺️

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Jul 9Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Beautiful. Thank you for sharing from the heart and being so transparent!

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Jul 8Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Keep writing for His glory! Hebrews 12:1-2. Philippians 3:14

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Thank you for both of these! ♥️🥹

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Jul 8Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

I have a mind and spirit that also talk to each other. Sometimes fun… sometimes exhausting! Your thought process here makes me think of another lie of radical Christianity, the one that says if we’re really in the center of God’s will it will necessarily result in numbers-based success (whether conversions, followers, etc.).

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Yes! I call it the conflict between Martyrdom Gospel and Prosperity Gospel. Neither leave us with a realistic view of navigating this world with true hope.

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Jul 8Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

It's such a tricky road between desiring to be seen and valued, to then becoming reliant on praise for our self worth. It's also easy to slip into false humility where we always put ourselves down because we think that is being humble (it's not).

I guess it's about doing the hard work behind the scenes; getting help so we have a healthy perspective of who we are; and then having that good group of people to keep us accountable.

Thanks for sharing, Christina. Very thought provoking x

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Rachael, thank you for such a thoughtful comment! I really hope I didn’t come across as though there is anything wrong with wanting to be seen and valued by others. I don’t believe that at all! I 100% agree with you. It’s all about finding that balance (such a crazy hard thing to do!).

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Jul 9Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Not at all! Was just musing 😆

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Jul 8Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

SO good Christina! This has been on my heart as well recently. It’s so easy for our flesh to worry about perception and growth rather than simply writing from an outpour pf the heart. I so appreciate your honesty and vulnerability in this!

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Thank you, Madison! My next step is to figure out how to practically strike the balance between healthy vs selfish ambition. Might be working at this one for… the rest of my life. 😂

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Jul 8Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Your mom’s “perfectly known & perfectly loved”…

1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV - For now we see through a glass, darkly

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.



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Loved "I’m saying that there is peace in releasing control." A good reminder and A daily battle.

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