Jun 19Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Oh thank you. I am hoping when me husband retires in a few more years we can visit Europe. But having multiple sclerosis makes travel a bit more daunting now. So we’ll see. Thanks!!

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Jun 19Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

I loved reading this and I also love CS Lewis. Very fun to hear your story. I grew up in such a gorgeous landscape in the rolling hills of Oregon. I still love our farm and the generations that have nurtured this land. I felt called to China and felt so at home living and teaching there. Whenever I return I feel this deep joy. Not because the city I lived had peaceful landscapes. But because God called me there and I loved the people. I hope to see Switzerland and the land of my ancestors. I’d enjoy seeing England and the areas you described. I studied a lot of British Lit along with all of the science for physical therapy or med school. But whether I do see Europe or not in this lifetime my real Home is with Jesus and I feel alive whenever I allow Him to lead me. I enjoyed your writing and hearing your story.

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I hope you get to travel and see all of the places you’ve dreamed of! If you’re ever in England, you must tell me because I can give you a lovely list of places to visit. 🥰

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As a Brit born in Derbyshire, and now living across the other side of the world, I appreciate your love for my native land! As a "Third Culture Kid," home has always been a complicated concept for me, so I really related to what you wrote here: "And when you are a poor soul whose Home called you far from your loved ones, the entanglement of belonging and loss stings all the more." Now, as I make my home in Korea after marrying a Korean, that entanglement of belonging and loss continues.

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I completely hear you. It’s such an odd little pocket of humanity to dwell in — those of us who are not so conveniently rooted in the lands where we were born. I hope you find a sense of life and “Home” where you dwell now. Bless you, Lynette! Thank you for reading. ♥️

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Jun 15Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Thank you for sharing such vulnerability here. And sometimes, I can certainly take the beauty of my English roots for granted. You have captured the English spirit so well.

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Thank you so much, Jess! I think it's super easy to take wherever we live for granted. I'm sure I did the same of my home in California. But I'm glad I could help you fall in love with your own home a little more again. :)

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Jun 18Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

This spoke to something deep inside me Christina, I can’t even begin to explain ✨ Thank you for writing these beautiful, heartfelt words 🩷

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Thank you so much, Mackenzie! I’m so glad it spoke to you. ♥️

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Jun 15Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Thank you for helping me understand myself.

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Oh my. What an honour! Thank you for saying that!

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Jun 15Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Wonderful! What a great post! 😊

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Thank you so much for reading! :)

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Jun 14Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

This is such a lyrical and honest peace that REVERBERATED in every chord of my being. 'Home' is something that's always on my mind. I've lived in over 20 different houses in my life so the safety and warmth of a childhood home is not something I know. (I started collecting porcelain houses in my early twenties, dreaming of a place, a house, a person that felt like home.

But the landscapes and cities of Jane Austen on screen called to me too. I left Ireland behind, moved to Bath and haven't looked back. I don't feel Irish at all. But I'm not English either. British, perhaps? I've written a post on home too that you might like https://flourishandfare.substack.com/p/im-irish-but-home-has-never-been

I'm glad to connect with you on here x

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Jun 12Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

So beautifully written. Thank you for sharing Christina. I felt whisked away to England just reading along.

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Thank you, Katie! Those "whisked away" vibes are definitely what I want people feeling when they read along. We could all do with a bit of wholesome escapism every now and then. :)

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Wholesome escapism 😍yes!!

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Jun 10Liked by Christina Lynn Wallace

Beautifully written. I live surrounded by family and yet long for my Eternal Home. For there we will live fully restored, fully known, and loved.

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I can't wait for that day!!!

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